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Novel Coronavirus Update — January 24, 2023

Return to Scouting Stages

 Stage 5 Standard has been modified to the changing climate of the Covid-19 Pandemic included in this modification
is the removal of the MAAF (Modified Adventure Application Form) please review the updated standard here

Important: This map excludes local restrictions. Individual Groups may be at a different stage to the wider Council.
Please reach out to your SRM or CK3 for more information.

Learn more about Scout Canada’s guiding principles for Covid response.


Virtual Scouting Only

  • Size of gatherings: online — unconstrained
  • 2-Scouter Rule to be observed


Outdoor Scouting

  • Size of gatherings: 25 people maximum
  • Patrols: 8 youth maximum
  • Sharing of equipment: minimized
  • No camping

View STAGE 2 Standard


Outdoor (Preferred) or Indoor Scouting

  • Size of gatherings: 50 persons total (Outdoors preferred)
  • Patrols: 8 youth maximum
  • Sharing of equipment: permitted within Patrols only
  • Camping: No Beaver or Cub overnight camping. Scouts, Vents and Rovers may camp overnight in individual tents or shelters outdoors.

View STAGE 3 Standard


Outdoor & Indoor Scouting

  • Size of gatherings: Follow local and provincial guidelines.
  • Patrols: 8 youth maximum
  • Sharing of equipment: permitted within Patrols only
  • Camping: All Sections may camp overnight indoors or outdoors in Patrols only. Large buildings are not permitted. Tents or shelters preferred.

View STAGE 4 Standard


Outdoor & Indoor Scouting

  • Size of gatherings: TBD
  • Sharing of equipment: unlimited
  • Camping: Allowed for all Sections. No restrictions.

View STAGE 5 Standard

This map is for illustrative purposes only. 
Please refer to the Pandemic Standards for the details.

Pandemic Standards are in effect since September 1, 2020.

(More Information)
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Answers to your COVID-related safety questions

An in-depth guide to our:

STAGE 2 Standards
STAGE 3 Standards
STAGE 4 Standards
STAGE 5 Standards

An at-a-glance view of the differences between our various STAGES

Parent feedback that shaped our framework

Stay informed with these Provincial and Federal resources